Through constant prayer he hears the voice that directs him to lead, teach and preach the Word of God. Pastor K.C. Pierce, II is an anointed preacher and teacher whose vision for God’s people enables him to build bridges, reach across denominations, generations, gender, race, culture and ethnicity, changing lives and building communities.
Pastor Pierce is the older of two children, born in a Christian and God-fearing home. His parents are Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Pierce and Mrs. Ilean Pierce. Pastor Pierce is the proud father of two sons, Kenneth Pierce III and Ryan Darling, twin daughters Mckenzie and Kensley Pierce. Pastor Pierce is happily married to Lady Shadae Pierce. Pastor Pierce II is a graduate of Murray Wright High School. He has furthered his education at Baker College and Oakland Community College. Pastor Pierce, II is an alumni of Ashland Theological Seminary. Pastor Pierce is currently pursuing his Masters of Divinity at Virginia Union University.
Under his capable and able leadership, Hopewell has grown far beyond just numbers. There are more than 20 active, thriving, effective ministries at Hopewell Church. Pastor Pierce, II uses his multi-talented gifts to reach all generations, he preaches, teaches, leads, & motivates in a very unique way that only God has anointed him to do so.
Pastor Pierce accepted Christ at an early age, and was baptized at Healing Spring Missionary Baptist church of Highland Park, MI. In 1993 Rev. Pierce joined Beulah Missionary Baptist church. Pastor Pierce accepted his call to the ministry and on March 31, 2009 and received his license that same day, under the leadership of his Pastor and father. For five years he served as Youth Pastor with his father as well as music director of the choirs and praise team.
On September 2014 he was called to the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Detroit, MI where he now serves as the Senior Pastor. Under his leadership, Hopewell has experienced rapid growth. Under his leadership he has founded and organized the Hopewell Community Development Corp, where they are very active and a vital help to the community. He is also the founder of a mentorship program for inner city young men called, My Brothers Keeper.
Pastor Pierce II is a leader beyond his own church. Pastor Pierce II proudly serves as 1st Vice President, Executive Committee Member and the Chairman of Religious affairs of the NAACP, Detroit branch. Pastor Pierce is an active member of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit Vicinity, where he has proudly served as an executive board member and co-chair for the social justice committee, under the leadership of President, Dr. Steve Bland. Pastor Pierce has also served as the Chair of the advisor board of clergy for SEIU, Detroit, where he was actively on the front line advocating for the rights of the workers who secure the Bedrock buildings in the city of Detroit. Pastor Pierce II, is a strong and very passionate believer of christian education, he has served as an instructor for the Metropolitan District of Christian Education, Detroit, MI. Pastor Pierce also serves as a Wayne County Sheriff Chaplin.
From the pulpit to the lectern he is sought after for his preaching gift. Pastor Pierce II is strongly rooted in the discipline of tradition, yet that hasn't hindered his burning passion for teaching, preaching and mentoring. Those who sit under his preaching would most aptly describe his attitude using Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 2:1 “When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirits power, so that your faith might not rest on mens wisdom, but on Gods Power.